
cervi app

Cervi bring's local businesses to you!

Use Cervi in 3 easy steps!

Browse local services

Choose from many services through the Cervi app

Place your order

Customize the service to your needs before placing your order

Wait for delivery

Expect delivery times vary by order, The service provider will update your order with an expected time

Cervi is currently still under development, We plan to launch spring 2025!

In the meantime we would like to find local businesses to join us on the journey to provide better services to HRM! Cervi has no upfront cost to the business and only takes a fee from each sale we generate. If this is something that interests you please fill out our short survey to help us ensure the best experience for customers and businesses alike! 

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When managing orders which of the following would you prefer?

Below are the types of services we are looking for businesses to provide!

pet care services halifax
lawn care services halifax
car detailing services halifax
house cleaning services halifax
pressure washing services halifax
snow removal services halifax